

Dambitsch - a village on the borders of Prussia and Poland

Why an internet page for a small village in today’s Poland?

Researching after my ancestors with the name Thomas (Domas, Doms) who are said to have come as German settlers from Alsace into the region Wielkopolska in the 18th century and at the end to have settled in the village Dambitsch I came across many other family names like Andersch, Peikert, Scheibe, Rauhut, Nerlich, Kupsch etc. All these families also settled in this village and built up relations with each other by marriage during the centuries.

By this reason my investigations very quickly went beyond the interest in my own family and included all inhabitants of the village.
Instead of making pure genealogical research into my ancestors the idea grow up to collect information about the village and to publish this in an own internet page www.dambitsch.de.
Family research developed into village research.

This patch work which is a sum of information from various contacts with near and distant relations and friends and from visits of Dambitsch today can be developed further on with the help of all interested.
From the visits of Dambitsch a number of friendly, even cordial contacts with today’s inhabitants have been built up. By the Polish version of this internet page all inhabitants of the village may be addressed and if interested they are invited to help to improve the presentation of the former village and also of Dambitsch today in the internet.

I would like to thank the community of Reisen (Rydzyna) to which Dambitsch belongs as one of the 22 village units forming the community. They published in the edition 6/2006 of their municipal information letters “Tu i Teraz” on their internet portal www.Rydzyna.pl an article about my internet page www.Dambitsch.de with commenting the contents very positively (article). They recommend their readers to have a look into www.Dambitsch.de in any case if not yet knowing this internet page.

Special thanks to Tatiana Kwaśniewska, teacher for German at the elementary school of Dąbcze for translating the German version of the internet pages into the Polish language.

Dr. Dieter Fischer